Hidden Pictures

Brand & Identity Design

Hidden Pictures is a brand within Highlghts magazine, where children look for hidden objects helping develop the ability to recognize figures in a variety of contexts. In 2013 the Highlights brand reached out to Showman Design for a revision. We were struck by the playfulness of the activities and wanted to portray that within the mark. We loved this project as it allowed us to be young again.

Design Priorities

When Highlights magazine came to Showman Design, they wanted something fun and creative to play off of their parent brand. The previous design was typeset and tired. We sought to build a mark that was playful and fun and allowed children (and adults) to start finding hidden objects as soon as they read the name. The thickness of the typeface allowed us to play with multiple hidden objects allowing the words to come to life. We loved this project and enjoyed being kids once again.


Brand Design:
Lizzy Ellingson

Highlights Team:
Elizabeth Van Doren
Mary Colgan


David's Bridal

